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Elevator Pitch

You step into an lift on the ground floor of your hotel and press floor 4, where your room is located. The doors close and you start moving upwards. But the elevator stops on floor 1 and in steps the Head of Marketing of your biggest potential customer. You're old acquaintances, but you've been trying to get a pitch meeting for months.

“Hi Sean”, she says.

“Hi Amanda”, you respond.

“What are you up to these days?”

“Well, um, I’ve just, um, started a new business that, um, well makes a device, well more like a solution that, um, I’m hoping to………….well, um”.

“Well floor 3 is my floor, so you have a good one”.

And she’s gone. Bugger.

Or it could go:

“Hi Sean”.

“Hi Amanda, it’s lovely to see you again”.

“What are you up to these days?”

“I’ve just launched a new product that’s going to revolutionise the baby buggy market. We spent 6 months in the design studio after talking to mums and dads about what they really need and the early sales results are outstanding”.

“Well that’s my business. This is my floor, but give my office a call, I’d like to hear more”.

Always, always have a couple of well-prepared sentences in your head about your business. You never know who’s going to get into the lift next time.

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