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Get A Grip

You're the founder of your business and you're very passionate about it. You've thought carefully about every aspect of what you sell and how you take it to market. But you also recognise that as you grow you need to build a team around you. So you start recruiting your top team - search for candidates, conduct interviews, find the right people, agree their salary and bonus packages, bring them on-board, and then .........

Founders just cannot let go!

....... keep doing their jobs yourself. Because they don't do it in quite the way you want it done.

It's not great for a new Head of Marketing to have you badgering them every few minutes with your demands for this and demands for that.

You hired your new team, presumably because they were a good fit - so now you need to let them get on with their jobs. You set the performance and reporting boundaries and you ask for updates. You make the roles challenging, but you need to give them the latitude to get their creative juices flowing and demonstrate why they are such a good fit.

For fuck's sake just give them a break, before they walk away!

One of the hardest lessons you have to learn as a Founder is to let go, and let other people do stuff. It's possible they're not going to be as passionate about the business as you are. They're unlikely to wake up at 4.00am and start scribbling on the (i)pad by the side of their bed. But if you've made the right hire (and we're going to assume you have) then make your expectations clear and then stand back and let them get on with it.

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