When you’re running your own business, each day you need a mix of your own time and time with your team. I think the important thing is to be visible and available so people can ask a quick question, get an answer and carry on.

I once worked with a CEO who came in at 3.00pm, sat at his desk with his head down in his laptop and worked until 1.00am, hours after everyone else had gone home. Can’t criticise the time he put in, but boy did he miss the daily opportunities to engage with the team.
When I’m in the office I start super-early and like to have at least one uninterrupted hour to get my thoughts in order, answer urgent messages and plan the day. I spend the rest of the day asking questions and trying to help solve problems – some would say getting in the way.
I believe in a mix of formal meetings – where people are called in to present the work they are doing and the challenges they’re facing to the rest of the team – and informal walking around. I think it’s excellent practice if you ask people to stand up from time to time and make a presentation to the rest of the team – you spot who the real stars are in your business.
I never have my own office; I prefer to sit with everyone else, and I insist on clean desks so people can easily move around and work in different areas. I never waste time answering emails while there are other people in the office to talk to, but I do make sure that everyone who sends me a message gets an answer – that’s important.
I like to leave by 7.00pm, and unless we’re going out for a beer, go home to answer some emails and get a good night’s sleep.