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Success A Successor

One of the holy trinity of human resource practice is career development & succession planning. This isn't necessarily the exclusive purview of the HR department, but is encumbent on any manager in any business to identify and develop their successor - even if they don't tell that person what they're doing.

If you want to move upwards in your company there needs to be someone to fill the gap you leave behind. So one-day you can go to your boss and say you're ready to take more responsibility (and the accompanying pay rise) and there's someone right there ready to back-fill. You've trained them and they're ready.

It's stunning how many companies I come across that don't have a succession plan and yet the continued success of the company depends on having competent people doing the right jobs. It's vital to manage career progression properly.

Don't wait for HR or your boss to come to you - start working on your succession plan today. It's very important if you want to move forward.

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