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Watch Out For The Nuptials

Life is full of surprises and many of us go through momentous times in our lives when change happens – marriage, children, moving home, a death in the family, financial worries, inheritance and so many more. These changes may be planned or come along unexpectedly. They may be profound, or merely a blip and on we go.

But, it’s a good idea to know what’s happening in your employees’ lives. Don’t be creepy about it, but you can celebrate your employee’s forthcoming wedding with a gift and some kind words and maybe a bit of time off to get the perfect colour paper doilies for the wedding meal sorted out.

Recognise also that times like this bring about financial changes, and your employee might be looking for more money to alleviate the pressure of starting down the family route, particularly when babies appear on the horizon. Keep an eye on the risk that they might be looking for a new job, either to bargain with you for a pay increase, or to leave for money/convenience/’been here too long’ reasons.

It may be the right time to nudge them into a new, better paying role or wrap your arms around them to keep them. Either way, when you hear the words, baby, wedding, new house, died, change will come and a bit of advanced planning will see you well prepared.

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